Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Ethereal beauty
The first day to Phnom Penh started early with a sunrise flight. By mid-afternoon, Bee (longtime friend & new travel companion) and I found ourselves in the crossfire of tuk-tuks, motos, bicycles and cars. It did not take long for us to embrace the madness as we toured the city by foot and tuk-tuk.

Fish, street food (viewed but not consumed)

Psar Thmei - Central Market. The shelves of the market are lined with statues, paintings and silk scarves which feel just as beautiful as they look. Fake designer bags and materials of clothes also leave little space between the rows of shops.

       We could have spent the entire day watching these two young boys. There's so much beauty in the innocence and playfulness that little kids possess even when they are swimming in filthy water or dancing around, such as the little girl who pranced around in a pink princess dress outside of her family's small street shop. These children can teach us a thing or two with their lessons focusing on life pedagogy - it is not that we should dive in sewage water, but that we can still find happiness within every surrounding.

Inside the Royal Palace/Silver Pagoda
 Clothing supplied by the palace as we had to be properly covered

After two quick days in Phnom Penh, we made our way up North to Siem Reap by taking a bus ($6 was the price to pay for 6 hours). Despite our driver laying it on the horn an obnoxious amount and the loud Cambodian shows playing on the bus' front TV, it was a journey that could not be missed even by sleep. We spent most of the six hours staring out the window and being captured by the visually astounding images of Cambodia's countryside and shanty towns. Even with these pictures, I wish I could show you more of what my eyes are feeling. I want to show you the hands that flag us down, the warm voices, and the privateness of the lives that live within these open walled houses. More than that, I want to show you the smiles of the locals that we encounter. They really make for a great experience.

Pam  xx

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