How I first felt about Toronto
Our concerts
Our jokes
Our town
Our workouts
Our Jam Sessions
Our desserts
Our picnics in the park
Our marks
Our aimless wandering that leads us to treasures
I will keep my wandering heart open and follow it without fear.
I will keep my life unscripted and without standardization.
I will keep on constantly exploring and learning.
I will miss you all.
I will keep my life unscripted and without standardization.
I will keep on constantly exploring and learning.
I will miss you all.
I want to start off this post by acknowledging the many wonderful people in Ontario who have enlightened, humbled, and fascinated me. Thank you to everyone I have met in Ontario for their kindness, jokes, imaginations, and the days never wasted. It is with sadness to leave such a beautiful place, but I will always talk candidly of this 8-month long journey.
Making the decision to move to Waterloo was part opportunity and part escape. I saw a job position, applied and within less than two months I was moving 2,000 miles away just so I could have an 'experience'. This experience did not change my life. I will not be returning as a newly liberated person. I now simply give a shit about things I never used to care about, and have stopped giving a shit about things that I once did. All my answers and resolutions were not magically answered just by changing my locale. In fact, what I have learnt is that my happiness has very little to do with external events or my current location. It has to do with how I perceive my situation and my contentment with what I have. It is the relationships that I have with myself and others that is important, not the brick and mortar of a town. It was never the suburban small town, my friends, nor my family who stifled me. It was my own fear of moving forward. By returning to my hometown, I will get a chance to see what time has solved and whatever it hasn’t, I’m just going to have to solve myself.
I went on a search with illuminated eyes and while I have been discovering, my journey is not complete. Part of my journey is returning home and finding that what I went on a search for, was actually there at home all along. Time and space was what was needed to come to this realization. As long as I believe that there are places and thoughts to be explored, my journey will never be complete. My journey may branch off to places and people beyond my imagination but the journey will end right where I started off from. I'm coming home.
P. xo.
“earthbound but aspiring, a lumbering soul but trying to fly, with not enough wingspread but plenty of intention.”- John Steinback
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