Monday, April 25, 2011

Long-weekend escapism

This past long weekend was devoted to escapism by means of a trance concert, birthday celebrations, and road trips to Toronto, Mississauga and Markham. The weekend gave me an escape from the rigors of my daily life in Waterloo and lifted my spirits after a banal April. It ended quite nicely back in Waterloo with an Easter dinner on Sunday, and reminded me that as long as there are good people in my life, I don't need to escape for too long. The final quote of the weekend was stated in the late hours of Sunday night by a friend. "It feels like I'm in a dream". Wish more weekends felt this dream-like.

"Escape me. Blackout tendencies. Forget about the future."

Starlight for my Ontario brother's birthday. 

Loaded our bellies with Chinese-Indian cuisine and Starbucks frapps, and fell victim to the beautiful skies.


Easter dinner.

Preparation for Mojitos.

Happy Easter from my RIM family to yours. 

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