Thursday, April 28, 2011

2010 Reflections

I wrote this right before I left Vancouver and kept it saved on my computer:
"2010 has brought on so many changes in my life, some out of my control, some on purpose. I am happy to speak about the positive energy that I have brought in my life simply by focusing on the present and allowing myself to let go of the past. This is not to say that things do not upset me, I am therefore only human. However, I feel this year I'm starting to feel the first tinkering sparks of being mentally and spiritually awoken. I can only hope (and practice) that this next year will help me continue with my growth as a better person. When I speak of being a better person, I do not seek to be Mother Teresa but to be a better person that is suited to my own lifestyle. I seek to be better by focusing my energy on the things and people that deserve my love. I seek to be better by the way I treat people with kindness and generosity. I feel that focussing on My present and My future is my prime focus. I've always had a lot of trouble letting go of the past but I have gotten quite good at it this past year and that is something that I am proud of. I used to carry my past as if I were lugging around a heavy suitcase. Now, my past is tucked in a tiny satchel. Liken to bags, my past is there, it clings to my side but I'm not ready to completely leave it behind and choose to carry a tiny part with me. I've dumped out the unnecessities that filled the heavy suitcase and instead I have allowed the wrongdoings and the hurtfulness of my past to push me forward as a person. I have loved this year so much because I've allowed things to hurt me and I've allowed myself to move on. I have thrown myself into a world of dramatics and unruly crowds and have survived the experiences. My sense of self is a neverendng journey, being pushed and pulled by people and experiences. It is truly the people that have always changed my years and while I am so thankful for all the people I have met whether they be fleeting or lasting, I am excited to focus on myself as being the ultimate protagonist and prowess. I am starting this new year by purging out my satchel of memories and keeping the moments that will help me move onto be a better person."

This is why it's good to record your thoughts. I've been falling off track lately and I need reminders like this to shove me back in the right direction.

P. xo. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Long-weekend escapism

This past long weekend was devoted to escapism by means of a trance concert, birthday celebrations, and road trips to Toronto, Mississauga and Markham. The weekend gave me an escape from the rigors of my daily life in Waterloo and lifted my spirits after a banal April. It ended quite nicely back in Waterloo with an Easter dinner on Sunday, and reminded me that as long as there are good people in my life, I don't need to escape for too long. The final quote of the weekend was stated in the late hours of Sunday night by a friend. "It feels like I'm in a dream". Wish more weekends felt this dream-like.

"Escape me. Blackout tendencies. Forget about the future."

Starlight for my Ontario brother's birthday. 

Loaded our bellies with Chinese-Indian cuisine and Starbucks frapps, and fell victim to the beautiful skies.


Easter dinner.

Preparation for Mojitos.

Happy Easter from my RIM family to yours. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Little Things

It is important to take the time and observe the small things in life that make you smile. Here are a few things in the past little while that have been brightening up my days: 

These tulip cookies found in Williams Cafe. I didn't even buy one because I wouldn't even want to eat one of these adorable icing-lined creations.

The perfect pair of Scalloped shorts that I have desperately been searching for. I just need the weather to cooperate so I can wear them.
 The Canucks in the Playoffs (Except for last night's game)

My new Dalai Lama book that I ordered from Amazon. I'm only a few chapters deep but I'm enjoying the read. My other Dalai Lama book is being lent out to a friend right now so I will start reading that in a couple weeks.

Colourful spring colours that brighten up my nails.

Packages from friends back home <3 


P. xo. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bucket List: #22 - Start a New Blog

The last time I wrote regularly in a blog was four years ago. I was eighteen years old and I was still dealing with the aftermath of my teenage years. I am surprised at how well documented my life was through blogging. By reading my posts, I was able to recollect old memories that would have not seemed so vivid otherwise. Because of the aforementioned teenage angst, certain posts are still difficult to read but are nevertheless amusing.

To be able to recollect old memories, feelings and thoughts is my main reason for creating a new blog. I hope that in four years from now, I will find the same bemusement in this blog as I have found in my old ones. Other reasons for starting a new blog include: 1) I have been encouraged by people to write about my experiences in Ontario so they can be updated with my life (and I will include pictures). 2) Writing is my therapy. 3) University has greatly stifled by creativity and I would like to stop feeling like a melancholy-essay-writing-android that spits out facts and references.

So my dear blog, I do not know if you will fizzle out like all the others but I do hope that I will be as good to you as I was to your predecessors. My freedom of expression, my audaciousness, and even my irrationality will be yours to carry. Though I will remember that you are the Internet and everything I write can be tracked and used against me. Paranoia.

Thank you in advance, for you will be my sanctuary.


P. xo.